Get actionable insights
for your product

Prepare for your testing session and decide what you want to learn

General Tips

Keep these in mind throughout your session

Start & End

Set the stage and end on a high note


Learn whether kids know how to use your product


Understand if kids are learning and having fun

Pick three faces

Kids may find it challenging to tell you their feelings or be shy about sharing their likes and dislikes.

Short and sweet

Aim for playtest activities to be no more than 20-30 minutes, especially for younger kids.

Search with specifics

Rather than, “What is this character like?” ask, “What does this character like to do for fun?” or “What does this character eat?”

How does it work?

Don’t assume that kids know how the product works!

Younger or older

“I’m not sure what age this game is good for—do you think we should have it for kids younger than you, about your age, or older than you?”

Likes and dislikes

“What kinds of toys do you really like? What do you not like?”

Comfort before capture

Make sure that kids are comfortable first before having parents adjust the camera to capture kids’ positions.

Design to determine

Have children design a part of the product that relies on their knowledge of the learning content.

Follow-up questions

After the session, follow up with the parents to ask them what kids mentioned after the session on the way home.

Survey surroundings

Towards the beginning of the session, ask kids what they see around the room.

Trick of the game

If the game mechanics depend on how well the user understands a concept, ask them how they think you win the game.

When you assume

Make a list of things that you expect kids to do ahead of time so you can cross-reference your assumptions one by one during the playtesting session. 

Before & after emotions

Notice not only what kids are doing or feeling at a certain point but also what they were doing or feeling in relation to your product before and after that point.

Share your own methods!

Do you have a tried and true strategy to share?

Tell us about it!